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Why Does God Ask Us to Do Strange Things Sometimes?

For episode 009...

We talk about God calling Aaron's family to move from Canada to the US, and how He asks His people throughout Scripture to do things that don't necessarily seem to make sense. We also talk about addressing hard things in the Bible in age-appropriate ways. 

You can listen to the Questions Kids Ask episode answering Why Do Bad Things Happen? on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play, or listen below.

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Aaron is the Brand Manager of The Gospel Project, author of multiple books and two documentaries on Charles Spurgeon and Martin Luther. He, his wife, Emily, and their three kids, moved to Nashville about 18 months ago from Canada.

I asked Aaron: 

What's your favorite part of being a dad? 

The unpredictability of what they are going to say or questions they are going to ask. (RIGHT? You never know what is going to come out of their tiny little mouths, for better or worse.)

Big Question: Why Would God Call You To Do Something A Little Crazy?

Aaron tells us about how each of this three kids responded to the news that they were moving to a new country, ranging from no response to direct melt-down.

God doesn't promise us lives of predictability and comfort.

The Israelites being called out of Israel was a weird thing. God asking Noah to build a boat in his backyard when no one had ever seen a flood before was super weird.

Aaron was called to come live in the Bible Belt, instead of of where there are so many fewer churches in Canada. The logical thing to do would be to stay, but God had other plans.

Featured Resource

Aaron and Brian Dembowczyk, whose name you will recognize, host this podcast. In this podcast, they discuss stories and how they point us all to Jesus. It's a great resource to listen to in addition to Questions Kids Ask!

How do you disciple your kids:

1. We use quality resources like this and one forthcoming from The Gospel Project for Kids.

2. When they have questions, we answer them.

3. Modeling is incredibly important. We read the Bible in front of them. We apologize and ask forgiveness of our children.